In the twilight realm where dreams and reality intertwine, the 'ZARI SITARA' collection by Asim Jofa beckons you to embark on a sartorial adventure. This midnight black outfit donned by Mawra Hocane, an opus of artistic brilliance, unveils a world of vivid enchantment. Drawing inspiration from the rich tapestry of asian embroidery, it melds tradition and modern sensibilities with effortless grace. Like a celestial storyteller, the shirt captivates with its intricate details, reminiscent of floral motifs. As the botanical inspired embroidered chiffon dupatta cascades, it evokes the allure of a starlit sky. Paired with matching trouser, this ensemble invites you to embrace a fashion odyssey like no other.
- Embroidered center panel 45"l / 11" W on chiffon
- Embroidered side panels r/l pair 45"l/10" W on chiffon
- Pair of embroidered sleeves with border on chiffon
- 1.5 meter embroidered daaman border for front & back on chiffon
- 3 meter embroidered border for front & back chaak
- Embroidered back 30"w/ 45"l on chiffon
- 2.5 meter embroidered dupatta with 2 side border on chiffon
- 1.5 meter wider width poly cotton for trouser